
Maximum control during navigation

Our control panels for the naval sector guarantee safety, reliability and full compatibility with on-board synoptic systems, all in full compliance with naval sector regulations.

Remote monitoring via Wi-Fi connection enables the land-based maintenance service to monitor and verify the systems even while the ship is at sea.

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Compatible with on-board synoptics

Compliance with regulations

Remote monitoring

The elevator control panel dedicated to the naval sector

The completely customizable solution according to the needs of your project.

General Informations
Installation MR or MRL
Stops Up to 32
control board MP2_N or MP3
Power supply Three phase
Access Up to 3
CAN management With MP2_N board
Doors management Electronic sliding and bellows
Regenerative module management
Cabin serial communication With MP2_N board
Complete serial With MP3 board
Multiplex Up to 4 plants
QuickUP With MP2_N board
Stand-By function
AGV and PLC Interfaceable
KM0+ Telemetry function
Assistance and testing checks From certified third-party bodies
Space positioning Via absolute encoder with MP3 board
EN 81-21 Compliance
Other informations
Wiring Alogen free cable
Cabinet IP55
Pulsanti di piano e cabina Precablati
Floor and cabin buttons Pre-wired

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